Send us a referral

We aim to contact every referred client within two days, and have them booked in a clinic within five days. Clients usually have their first appointment in a week’s time. To refer your client, press one of the buttons below:

If your client prefers to refer themselves, you can send them the link for the self-referral form below.

NCSCT Guidance on Remote consultation

In light of the rapid spread of coronavirus, the NCSCT have recommended that stop smoking services suspend providing face-to-face support until further notice. However, it is still vitally important that we continue to provide support to clients who want to stop smoking or who are in the process of quitting.

To see the official NCSCT guidance for delivering behavioural support and supply of NRT, click the button:

Quit Manager Guidance:

Quit Manager is our online Data Management System. All of our partners use different areas of the site, and we have created bespoke guides for every different user. Click on the links below to see the guide most appropriate for you:

For Pharmacies delivering Stop Smoking Sessions as well as dispensing NRT & Varenicline:

For Pharmacies that dispense NRT & Varenicline and process LoR’s:

For GP Confederation and Whittington Health Stop Smoking Advisors and triage:

NRT and Varenicline Quantity Guidance

Everything you need to know about prescribing NRT and Varenicline, detailed guide on quantity, dosages and how to select the appropriate amounts on Quit Manager.


As an E-Cigarette friendly service, we would like every advisor to be equipped with the knowledge about e-cigarettes our clients need to make an informed decision. The following factsheet can be a useful tool when speaking to clients who are using or want to use an e-cigarette as part of their quit attempt. It also includes a myth busting page with the most common misconceptions surrounding e-cigarettes.