Quit with our help!

We offer a flexible programme in which you can get all the support and medication you need to quit smoking! For an in-depth explanation on the sessions and the flexible programmes available, have a look at What happens in a Stop Smoking Session. You can click the button below to see a map of Hackney with all of our current clinics and details, or you can click here to directly contact us, and we will help you get that first appointment!

Stop Smoking Treatments

Some people find nicotine cravings the hardest thing to handle about quitting. 

If that sounds like you, then no need to worry. There are plenty of Nicotine Replacement Therapy products out there and they can give you the extra support you need to beat the addiction. In fact, like the other licensed stop smoking medicines, when they are used in combination with the one to one support offered at your local Stop Smoking Service you're three times more likely to remain a quitter.

All of the products detailed are available on prescription, making them cost effective. They are even better value when a pre-payment certificate is purchased. This is £30.25 for three months for as many prescriptions as you like. 


We support clients who want to use an electronic-cigarette (e-cigarette) to help them quit smoking and welcome smokers considering using an e-cigarette to come to the service for behavioural support. 

Digital apps

What do the experts say?

When used in combination with other quit smoking supports (NRT or prescribed medication, e-cigarettes, or motivational support), health experts say digital apps can be a useful way to help you give up cigarettes for good.

Why use apps?

A digital app can give you instant support whenever you need it.

They can help you plan ahead and are somewhere to turn to quickly when you feel the urge to smoke or find yourself struggling.

Which apps work?

Each digital app has different features to help you stop smoking. Some tips and resources may work better for you than others. ORCHA provides an independent review of digital health apps.

From personalised quit plans to motivation boards digital apps are a great way to help keep your quit journey on track.

Combining your choices

You don’t have to rely on just one method to quit. You are more likely to quit smoking by mixing and matching personal support like motivational support from a health advisor with NRT, a prescription medication or e-cigarettes. What would work best for you?

Already quit smoking, and want to quit NRT / Vape?

Click on the buttons below for our leaflets with information, tips & tricks

Once you stop smoking, some of the benefits are immediate and some are longer-term. 

Smoking and your health›

Thinking about the reasons to quit is a great way to motivate yourself.

Why quit?›

There’s loads of free support in City & Hackney to help you stop smoking.

Support near you